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Nshei of BMWH


Beis Medrash of West Hempstead N'shei offers Rosh Chodesh get-togethers, shiurim, and inspiring events that provide opportunities for the women of our shul to come together, learn, socialize, and strengthen their spiritual and communal connections. 


Join us for our inspiring events, our monthly Shabbos Mevarchim get-togethers, where we learn about the Mazel of the upcoming month, while we schmooze, eat, and make new friends. Throughout the year, we host various events, like a Challah Bake, women’s only shiurim to enhance your Yuntif, and our annual Mishloach Manos Campaign. These initiatives help create a supportive and thriving community where women of all ages can learn, connect, and grow together.


Please join us. if you would like to receive information about upcoming events, or if you have any questions about the Beis Medrash of West Hempstead Nshei, please text Mrs. Gitty Sokoloff at (917) 951-6551 or Mrs. Malka Zimmerman at (347) 631-3624. 


Past Events

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