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Our Rav and Rebbetzin

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Dov Greer

Shul Rav

      Rabbi Dov Greer serves as the Rabbi of the Beis Medrash of West Hempstead shul and has been a Rav and Posek for nearly 20 years. He founded and leads an evening Beis Medrash program for young men in college during the day, based in West Hempstead. He is also an in-demand Mohel, teaches Chassanim, and lectures widely. Rabbi Greer was raised in Connecticut and studied in Yeshivas Brisk and Beth Medrash Govoha. He graduated with Honors from Yale University, has Semicha from Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, and was certified as a Mohel by the London Beth Din. He and his wife Sima are the proud parents of eight children.

Sima Greer

Shul Rebbetzin

Rebbetzin Sima Greer has been a teacher of Judaic Studies for two decades. She has taught high school Chumash and Navi, is a popular guest lecturer and has directed women's programming and learning in her capacity as a Rebbetzin. She is currently a Curriculum Coordinator at Torah Academy for Girls in Long Island. She has been at the forefront of Women's Adult Education for years, from beginner classes to advanced textual chaburot, as well as teaching kallahs.


Sima (Tiefenbrunn) Greer grew up in Edison, NJ, graduated from Stern College for Women, and is the proud mother of eight children.

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